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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    If you are serious about changing anything about YOU with cosmetic surgery, look no further.
    Never underestimate the power of the result.
    A result that exceeds not just your own expectations but your wildest dream. Life changing, truly.
    Mark Solomos, the GOD!
    In my career I had the fortunate opportunity to work with dozens of cosmetic surgeons. It quickly became apparent that none compared to the skill and expertise of Mark.
    His results were consistently phenomenal. The care for each and every patient outstanding.
    So, in May 2017, I had my first procedure with Mark. Abdominoplasty with muscle repair and liposuction. Mark literally sculpted a transformation to my body. I had a waist for the first time, a flat stomach. The body of a woman half my age. Truly outstanding.
    The years have passed and I was having some pain from old breast implants I had had some 15 years ago.
    There is only ONE surgeon I could trust with my body, Mark.
    After a prompt response from Christine I booked a consultation and travelled the 350 mile round trip.
    Because of the power of an outstanding result.
    I’ve seen many poor or average surgical result in my career but never from Mark.
    After an honest discussion we agreed to remove the encapsulated implants, remove the capsule, breast reduction and as I’m fast approaching 60 upper eyelids, neck and face lift.
    I am 10 weeks post op today.
    I love my breasts so much that for the first time ever I wish I could walk around naked! My body now perfectly reflects the sexy woman I felt inside.
    My face? Wow. I cannot eloquently express the confidence that this result has given me.
    Book that consultation.
    As I said, never underestimate the power of the result.
    Mark Solomos delivers outstanding results each and every time.


    Breast Enhancements, Augmentations, and Reduction: What to Consider EXPLORE


    Shelly B EXPLORE