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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    The breast, is made up of two components, the glandular tissue component (firm and dense) and the fatty tissue component (softer tissue). The ratio of glandular to fatty tissue  in any breast varies from individual to individual.  Although sometimes this condition appears at birth the main cause is puberty. Some studies suggest that as many as 65% of boys in the 14-15 year age group encounter this. Within 2-3 years the incidence drops radically so that the condition affects only about 8% of males of 18 years of age. However the incidence rises again with progressive age reaching an incidence of about 30% in older men.

    Gynecomastia is relatively common condition, which affects a large proportion of the male population to varying degrees. With newer techniques and technology, patients can liberate themselves of this unwanted appearance both safely and effectively.

    Posted by Mark Solomos in Breast

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      Highgate Private Hospital
      17-19 View Road, Highgate
      N6 4DJ, London

      Frequently asked questions

      How do you treat Gynaecomastia?

      Gynaecomastia is a dual component problem, due to an excess of both breast gland and fat, a combined approach is necessary in order to achieve the flat chest. With the fatty component liposuction is used, and most patients will require, an additional surgical incision during the reconstructive breast surgery, usually around the nipples to deal with the other component of the problem, the excess gland which is situated just beneath the nipples. In some cases where patients have undergone large weight fluctuations or reductions, such patients also experience dropping of the skin in addition to the fullness of the chest, therefore some form of skin removal and tightening will also be required.

      Am I a suitable Candidate for this breast surgery?

      Only a consultation will be able to determine if patients are suitable for a combined liposuction/gland removal procedure, which will partly be defined by the quality of the elasticity of the skin. The best patients for liposuction are those individuals who are active and healthy, of average or near average weight (within 12-15% of their ideal weight), and have reasonably good skin tone and elasticity.Age by itself is not a significant factor and in fact patients from age 16 -65 have benefited from liposuction.

      What type of anaesthesia is used?

      Gynecomastia correction can be performed successfully either with a local anaesthetic alone, local anaesthesia with mild sedation (twilight anaesthesia) or with a General anaesthetic. Patients using a local anaesthetic, you feel some vibration and friction during the procedure. The decision very much depends on patients individual circumstances and desires.

      How long does the cosmetic surgery take?

      Gynecomastia correction using liposuction and gland removal takes approximately 30-40 minutes. In the event that skin removal is necessary then procedure can take up to 90 minutes.

      Do I need to stay in overnight?

      The majority of patients can have the cosmetic surgery performed as a day case, and therefore leave the same day.

      Is it Painful?

      Gynecomastia correction with liposuction and gland removal, the degrees of pain vary from patient to patient, but this can be controlled by pain killers. The initial pain lasts around 1 week however there may be residual soreness in the treated area, mainly upon palpation, for up to 4-5 weeks. Along with the soreness patients experience some stiffness which usually abates as your mobility increases.

      What happens immediately after the Operation?

      After your cosmetic surgery, patients have a snug elastic compression sleeveless vest that is to be worn over the chest area to control swelling and bleeding, and to help skin shrink to fit the new contour. Patients will need to wear this compression garment continuously for ten days (apart from taking it off for a shower) after cosmetic surgery. After this time, patients may wear the garment, if feel the need for only a few hours in the day to help support the area in the last few weeks of the healing process, which can last 2-3 months. Are there Scars?

      Are there Scars?

      Tiny scars from about 3-8 mm in length will form which will gradually fade with time, daily massage of the scars during this time period is advised to expedite and facilitate this process.

      How long before I get back to normal?

      The recovery time varies with every patient and the type of activity the patient intends to resume, only tiny incisions are made, yet liposuction creates a large wound hidden under the skin and therefore as healing is a gradual process, adequate rest in the days after cosmetic surgery will be required. Patients should start walking around as soon as possible to improve the circulation and avoid stagnation of blood, which could lead to the formation of blood clots. Most patients resume light activities within 2-3 days and depending on their work can be back between 3-7 days following the reconstructive breast surgery.


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