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    The breast, is made up of two components, the glandular tissue component (firm and dense) and the fatty tissue component (softer tissue). The ratio of glandular to fatty tissue  in any breast varies from individual to individual.  Although sometimes this condition appears at birth the main cause is puberty. Some studies suggest that as many as 65% of boys in the 14-15 year age group encounter this. Within 2-3 years the incidence drops radically so that the condition affects only about 8% of males of 18 years of age. However the incidence rises again with progressive age reaching an incidence of about 30% in older men.

    Gynecomastia is relatively common condition, which affects a large proportion of the male population to varying degrees. With newer techniques and technology, patients can liberate themselves of this unwanted appearance both safely and effectively.

    Posted by Mark Solomos in Breast

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      Highgate Private Hospital
      17-19 View Road, Highgate
      N6 4DJ, London