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    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    I had my breasts done years ago in London and this year I decided to have them checked abroad. During the scan, the doctor discovered that I’ve got a capsular contracture, a rupture in my implant and that the silicone had spread into my lymph nodes.

    I really panicked!
    On my return to the UK, I immediately started researching for a surgeon who could help me.

    To my surprise, I was turned down by 2 highly qualified known London surgeons as the case was too complicated!

    I didn’t give up & I carried on searching and came across Dr Mark Solomos. He had excellent reviews and was highly recommended.

    I booked an appointment and during the consultation, I knew he was the right person for the job!

    He was very patient, made me feel more at ease and didn’t sell me any fake expectations. I knew I was in the right hands and felt confident going into surgery, as I knew I would be well looked after. (We ended up going for a breast reduction, breast lift and implant exchange)


    Breast Enhancements: What You Need To Know EXPLORE


    Shelly B EXPLORE