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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    Liposuction is the most popular aesthetic surgery procedure in Great Britain and the United States. It is a highly effective technique for giving the a new body contour with minimal scarring. The results can be permanent, providing patients eat sensibly, exercise regularly, and maintain the same weight.

    Posted by Mark Solomos in Body

    Posted by Mark Solomos in Body

    Would you like to
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      Highgate Private Hospital
      17-19 View Road, Highgate
      N6 4DJ, London

      Frequently asked questions

      What is Liposuction?

      Liposuction is the removal of localised unwanted lumps and bulges of fat, these localised fat deposits may be formed virtually anywhere on the body but are more commonly deposited on the abdomen, hips, flanks, inner and outer thighs, knees and chin. Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss and exercise, but a means of resculpting the body into a slimmer profile by removing the fat not responsive to the most diligent efforts.

      What's the history of Liposuction?

      Though liposuction is a relatively new form of cosmetic surgery, it is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure. Dr. Giorgio Fischer first devised liposuction in 1974 in Rome, Italy. It was taken to Paris by Dr. Illouz a Plastic Surgeon in 1978 and subsequently popularised. Since this time it has undergone a number of refinements, including the development of smaller finer cannulaes, the advent of tumescent liposuction and, newer forms of liposuction including Ultrasonic and Power assisted and laser assisted liposuction.

      Am I a suitable Candidate for this cosmetic surgery?

      Only a consultation will be able to determine if liposuction is suitable for a patient. Determining patients suitability will be defined by the quality of skin as skin elasticity is a key factor. The best patients for liposuction are those individuals who are active and healthy, of average or near average weight (within 12-15% of their ideal weight), and have reasonably good skin tone and elasticity.Age by itself is not a significant factor and in fact patients from age 16 -65 have benefited from liposuction. Smokers need to stop smoking in advance of cosmetic surgery.

      What does the cosmetic surgery entail?

      The following is a description of the classic liposuction method utilising the tumescent technique. To begin the operation a number of tiny incisions (about 3-4mm) are made in the skin in the areas to be treated. These slit incisions are made, when possible in inconspicuous places. Subsequently the areas are injected with the tumescent solution that’s allowed to diffuse and take effect (about 10-15mins) throughout the target fat. The solution will numb the areas as well as reduce bleeding by temporarily closing down the capillaries. The appropriate cannulaes are inserted into the fat, then through backward and forward stroking motions the fat is loosened and drawn off by a strong vacuum pump. Since the fat is removed by suctioning small “tunnels” through the fat, the skin remains intimately connected to the underlying muscles by multiple attachments called fibrous septa, it is this process and these structures, which assures that the skin will not hang in loose folds after Liposuction. The fat is removed by doing as little damage to the septa, which also contain blood vessels, nerves and lymph vessels. Patients lose some fluid along with the fat during liposuction, therefore during the procedure it is normal practise for the anaesthetist to give intravenous fluids to replace those lost in the cosmetic surgery.

      What type of anaesthesia is used?

      Liposuction can be performed successfully either with a local anaesthetic alone, local anaesthesia with mild sedation (twilight anaesthesia) or with a General anaesthetic. With a local anaesthetic, patients feel some vibration and friction during the procedure. The decision depends on: the number of areas treated, the amount of fat to be removed, any pre-existing medical conditions or unique circumstances and of course the individual patients desires.

      How long does the cosmetic surgery take?

      This depends on the number of areas treated and the amount of fat to be removed, this can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

      Do I need to stay in overnight?

      This depends on the number of areas treated and the amount of fat that is removed. It also depends on the individuals preference and circumstances.

      Is it Painful?

      In the case of liposuction, the degrees of pain vary from patient to patient and area to area, but this can be controlled by pain killers, which will be prescribed. The initial pain lasts around 1 week however there may be residual soreness in the treated area, mainly upon palpation, for up to 4-5 weeks. Along with the soreness pateitns may experience some stiffness which usually abates as mobility increases.

      What happens immediately after the cosmetic surgery?

      After this cosmetic surgery, depending on which area is treated, a snug elastic compression body stocking or garment will be in place. This must be worn over the treated area to control swelling and bleeding, and to help skin shrink to fit the new contour.

      Are there Scars?

      The scares are minimal and take a few months to settle.

      How long before I get back to normal following this cosmetic surgery?

      The recovery time varies with how many areas are treated and the type of activity the patient intends to resume. It is important to not, liposuction creates a large wound hidden under the skin and therefore as healing is a gradual process, adequate rest in the days after surgery will be required. However, patients should start walking around as soon as possible to improve the circulation and avoid stagnation of blood which could lead to the formation of blood clots. Most patients resume light activities within 2-3 days and depending on lifestyle can be back to normal between 5 -7 days.


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