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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    Rhinoplasty is a carefully crafted surgical procedure which is dedicated to reshaping the form and structure of the nose. Mark is renowned for his expertise in this area, with over 4,000 rhinoplasties performed. Mark specializes in various types of rhinoplasty tailored to individual needs. This intricate procedure encompasses different approaches, including septoplasty, alar base reduction, and reconstructive rhinoplasty, each addressing specific concerns with precision.
    Septoplasty is incorporated to rectify nasal septum deviations, enhancing both form and function. Alar base reduction focuses on refining the width of the nostrils, promoting balance and proportion. Reconstructive rhinoplasty addresses congenital anomalies, traumatic injuries, or previous surgical outcomes, showcasing the versatility of the procedure.
    Mark’s collaborative approach involves close communication with each patient to understand their unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals. Mark undertakes an unwavering commitment to achieving results aligned with individual desires while preserving the natural subtleties of one’s appearance. The outcome reflects an artful balance of form and function.


    Posted by Mark Solomos in Rhinoplasty

    Posted by Mark Solomos in Rhinoplasty

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      Highgate Private Hospital
      17-19 View Road, Highgate
      N6 4DJ, London