As with any operation, normal risks of plastic surgery and anaesthesia can occur with breast augmentation. These include infection, haematoma, and skin necrosis. Infectioncan occur despite our normal routine of administering antibiotics at the time of cosmetic surgery as well as post-operatively. In Mr. Solomos’s experience,this happens in about 1 in 500 breast implants placed. Signs such as pain, redness, swelling, or fever, following augmentation should be reported immediately to the hospital. Infection not reported could easily compromise the success of any plastic surgery. If infection was to be serious and fail to respond to antibiotics, removal of the implants would be required and replacement would not be effected until such time as the infection had cleared. Bleeding, as a result of a leak in a blood vessel will give rise to swelling and bruising of the breast. If this is slight then your body will be able to absorb it in time. If it is significant (termed haematoma, and in Mr. Solomos’s hands, occurs in about 1 in 500 breast implants) then it may be necessary to drain this. Your surgeon will be able to assess this. Skin necrosis or skin decay occurs when there is not enough blood to supply the skin. This could happen if the plastic surgeon were to select an implant size too that was too large for the pocket created. This is extremely rare and in fact, Mr. Solomos has not experienced this problem and nor does he expect to.