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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    Filter FAQ by procedure
    All Procedures (172)
    Am I suitable candidate?
    Are there any side effects?
    How long does it last?

    The full effects of Botox treatment are not apparent for three to seven days and the effects are temporary as the toxin is slowly metabolised by the body in approximately three to six months. As most patients are happy with the effects of Botox, a top up injection is required after this period of time to maintain the skin smoothing effects.

    How is it done?
    What areas can be treated?
    How does it work?
    Skin rejuvenation
    Am I suitable candidate?
    Skin rejuvenation
    Are there any side effects?
    Skin rejuvenation
    How long does it last?
    Skin rejuvenation
    How is it done?
    Skin rejuvenation
    What areas can be treated?
    Skin rejuvenation
    How does it work?
    Anti Wrinkle Injections
    Can Botulinum toxin A be used for excessive sweating?

    Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can be socially as well as professionally disruptive and can lead to considerable emotional stress and embarrassment so patients who suffer can be successfully treated with Botox injections. When injected locally into the skin of a problem area, Botulinum toxin type A potently blocks the nerve fibres used to stimulate sweat glands, resulting in almost complete cessation of sweat production from that area. As the toxin is injected only within the skin, there is no risk of affecting deeper muscle structures and therefore their function. The effects of the Botulinum toxin A treatment takes three to seven days to be demonstrated, and the sweat free effects last between three and 12 months. Repeat injections produce similar results. The treatment is well tolerated and is void of any adverse side effects.

    Anti Wrinkle Injections
    Am I suitable candidate?

    Anti-wrinkle injections ae well tolerated by most people, yet patients who are pregnant or have a neurologic disease should not be treated.

    Anti Wrinkle Injections
    Are there any side effects?

    There are very few side effects to this procedure, while allergy to any medicine is possible, it is rare indeed. While a very small amount of brow drooping can occur when injected in this area, this can usually be avoided by not treating the 1-cm area just above the eyebrows. However due to the non-permanent nature, any non desired side effects are always temporary.

    Anti Wrinkle Injections
    How long does it last?

    The results are permanent and the breast does not grow unless the patient puts on weight. Future weight fluctuations may affect the position of the breast causing ptosis

    Anti Wrinkle Injections
    How is it done?

    The procedure itself is simple and safe. Anti wrinkle injections are performed with a very tiny needle into the desired area. Depending on the area treated, between 4-10 injections are necessary. Because the needle is so fine and only a small amount of liquid is used the pain is usually minor, like a sting for a few seconds. Once the injection is complete there is no discomfort. No sedation or local anaesthesia is required and as no recovery is required, patients can resume normal activities immediately.

    Anti Wrinkle Injections
    What areas can be treated?

    Anti-wrinkle injections are most commonly performed in the upper face. The most common areas requested are the forehead lines, vertical frown lines between the eyebrows, and crows feet or laughter lines radiating away from the eyes.

    Anti Wrinkle Injections
    How does it work?

    When injected into a given area Botox, which is the trade name of Botulinum toxin type A, reversibly blocks the impulses from the nerves to the tiny facial muscles that are related to expression lines. By doing this, the muscles cannot contract and therefore tend to relax. When muscles relax, the overlying skin remains smooth and unwrinkled while the untreated facial muscles continue to contract in a normal fashion, allowing normal facial expression to be unaffected.

    What is the recovery following this cosmetic surgery?

    You can expect a lot of swelling and bruising but not a lot of pain. Some garments may be necessary e.g. a bra this will be discussed in more detail at your consultation. The final results will be visible at around 3 to 6 months after the cosmetic surgery.

    How long does it take and how does it work?

    The time of the cosmetic surgery varies between 30 mins and 3 hours depending on the areas that we treat and the volume. For example, a simple fat transfer in the face to augment the cheeks could take 30 to 45 mins while a fat transfer to the breast can take 90 minutes. There are different types of cannulas used to extract the fat and to inject it again depending on the area that we treat. For example in the face we use very fine cannulas and in the breast ever so slightly larger. The fat cells that are injected are free grafts which means tht they will rely on the blood supply and the nutrients from the recipient area to survive. The amount of fat cells that survive varies from 6o to 90% and therein lies the unpredictability of this operation. With new techniques and evolution of old ones it has become more predictable and will continue to evolve.

    What areas can I treat with this plastic surgery?

    Most commonly fat transfer is used for moderate enhancement of breast or to improve the soft tissue cover of implants in front of the muscle. Other common uses are filling of dents and deformities either from a previous operation or primary e.g., face.

    Thigh lift
    Will I need liposuction?

    Often it is necessary to add liposuction to optimize the result. This will be determined at your in person consultation with Mr Solomos.

    Thigh lift
    What are the scars like following this plastic surgery?

    There will be definitely be a horizontal scar in the groin crease and depending on the amount of laxity there may be a long vertical scar in the inner part of the thigh almost all the way down to the knee.

    Thigh lift
    What is the recovery like for this plastic surgery?

    The recovery is about one to two weeks to resume normal activities and about a month for exercise. You will need to wear a garment for a month and there will be minimal pain with quite a lot of swelling and bruising.

    Will I need liposuction?

    Sometimes it is necessary to add liposuction to optimize the result.

    What are the scars like following this plastic surgery?

    The scars can be either a short scar placed in the axilla in cases of moderate laxity. OR, most commonly a long scar in the inner part of the arm reaching all the way to the elbow.

    What is the recovery like for this plastic surgery?

    The recovery is about a week to resume normal activities and about a month for exercise. You will need to wear a garment for a month and there will be minimal pain with quite a lot of swelling and bruising.

    How long before I get back to normal following this cosmetic surgery?

    The recovery time varies with how many areas are treated and the type of activity the patient intends to resume. It is important to not, liposuction creates a large wound hidden under the skin and therefore as healing is a gradual process, adequate rest in the days after surgery will be required. However, patients should start walking around as soon as possible to improve the circulation and avoid stagnation of blood which could lead to the formation of blood clots. Most patients resume light activities within 2-3 days and depending on lifestyle can be back to normal between 5 -7 days.

    Are there Scars?

    The scares are minimal and take a few months to settle.