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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    My body bore some pretty typical sacrificial signs of two caesareans, breastfeeding and a 4 stone weight loss. After living with it acceptingly for years, I decided it was time to invest in myself by addressing some of the imperfections that had left my clothes not fitting as flatteringly as they could have.

    I was drawn to Mark’s medical expertise after seeing the phenomenal results of some work a friend had done by him. Upon meeting him, I found Mark incredibly approachable, professional, honest and pragmatic about all aspects of the procedures I was considering. I felt comfortable to ask questions without fear of feeling daft or being patronised. The surgery was carried out at Highgate Hospital and was exactly as Mark had prepared me for (including a short, but gruelling and thankfully complication-free recovery). The aftercare has been thorough and utterly reassuring.

    I am transformed! Gone are the days when I gawp disappointingly at my reflection. Instead, I feel proud; like a work of art! Mark is a COSMETIC MAGICIAN. I cannot thank him enough.


    Breast Enhancements, Augmentations, and Reduction: What to Consider EXPLORE


    Shelly B EXPLORE