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    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    Most patients like to stay out of the public eye after cosmetic surgery while their plaster cast is on. Once this is removed however, you will gradually start to resume your daily activities. This will largely depend on the amount of bruising and swelling you will experience. Most bruising has dissipated by about 10-14 days, although there may be some slight residual bruising present. If you are a female, then this can usually be masked quite easily with makeup. Most people are back to work by about 10days. Although slight swelling may still be present at this time, it is not usually noticeable to the majority of people. By 3-4 weeks most people are back to their normal routine and are enjoying their new nose. You will however need to avoid any contact sports for 3 months, whilst the nasal bones heal completely.


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