Following surgery you will experience considerable swelling and bruising of the breasts. The bruising usually lasts about 2-3 weeks. While most of the swelling will have dissipated by this time, some subtle swelling may still be present for up to 4-6 months. After surgery you may notice that the breasts feel quite firm and taut, particularly along the edges of the incision site. This will be as a result of the normal healing process laying down elements of scar tissue to facilitate healing. Occasionally small lumpy areas develop within the breast. This is called Fat necrosiswhere some small areas of fat cells within the breast tissue do not survive the trauma of surgery and die as a result. In this process, the fat becomes hard before gradually softening over a period of weeks and months. When this occurs, massage as instructed will speed up the recovery. You should expect the sensation to the skin in the nipples and surrounding skin to be reduced after surgery. This is as a result of surgical trauma to the nerves in the region. Although this usually recovers in a few months, permanent numbness in some areas may ensue. It is normal for any pair of breasts to be slightly uneven and this is no exception in large breasted ladies.Although every effort is made to make the breasts symmetrical, it is not always possible to achieve this exactly. Breast reduction surgery is possibly one of the most demanding aesthetic procedures. It is imperative therefore that you talk with Mr. Solomos so that he has a full and proper understanding of your wishes. Try to convey, as much as is possible, how little or large you would like to be following your surgery. This will minimise the possibility of having too little or too much removed.