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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    Your breasts will be somewhat swollen postoperatively. This usually settles in about two to three weeks. Sometimes swelling may be slightly different between the two sides. This is normal and settles with time. However if a great difference develops between the two sides then you must contact us for advice. Following a Breast Augmentation, the breasts may appear to be placed quite high up. This is also normal. During the first two months postoperatively the implants will gradually lower and settle from the effects of gravity into a more natural position. Do not be alarmed if one side settles quicker than the other, as this sometimes occurs. Following the operation you will have a light dressing in place which will need to be kept dry for 2 weeks. At two weeks your dressing will be removed and the wound inspected and lightly cleaned. There are no stitches to remove, as these are internal and dissolvable. Always remember to read and follow the postoperative instructions that will be given to you.


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