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    17-19 View Road, Highgate
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    This is a question that often arises. The bottom line is that breast implants can only be placed directly beneath where your existing breasts lie. So if your breasts have a natural propensity to look outwards(as some do) and you have a large space between them because of this, a breast augmentation will not fill this space sufficiently to give you that “tight” or close together cleavage. Unfortunately breast position in each individual is more or less set. Mr. Solomos will be able to inform you accordingly at the consultation. Nonetheless even in the aforementioned individuals, the cleavage area will be somewhat better after the breast implants. However if the distance between the breasts is too great then there will always be a gap between the breasts. Of course after the cosmetic surgery, and once everything has settled, you can always wear a push up bra to help place the breasts closer together if you wish. If on the other hand your breasts are naturally close together and the and the natural distance between the breasts in the cleavage area is small, then you will get a significant improvement and boost in the cleavage area.


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