For many women, breast implants alone are not enough to achieve a satisfactory result and may want more reconstructive breast surgery. This is because, in addition to the requirements for a volume replacement, which undoubtebly the implants provide, there is also a requirement to correct an element of “drooping”(also called ptosis), and many ladies require a “lift”.In Mr. Solomos’s opinion, breast implants alone will not give you a lift, if your breasts have a tendency to droop. Many ladies who have undergone pregnancies or who have lost weight or who are unfortunate to have just developed this way naturally, also require a breast lift as the breasts have over a period of time dropped. In these situations it is best to have a combination breast augmentation and uplift (also calledmastopexy). Mr. Solomos will of course be able to determine this for you at the consultation and advise you accordingly. This operation involves lifting, but not removing, the nipple/areola to a slightly higher level and tightening the breast skin envelope by removing the excess, redundant, portion of skin and some breast tissue in the lower half of the breast. This cosmetic surgerycarries with it slightly different scarring than an a standard breast augmentation only procedure. In the combination Breast augmentation/uplift procedure, Mr. Solomos utilises a lollipop incision which means a scar around the nipple and then a vertical scar down to the crease. Even though all scars are generally red to start with, scars usually fade as the months go by. Please see examples of Mr. Solomos work in the Photo Gallery.