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    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    For the first couple of days after the cosmetic surgery, the ears will feel quite sore. Painkillers will be given to you to relieve this. As mentioned, after your cosmetic surgery you will find you have a bulky head bandage in place. This is necessary so that the newly achieved position of the ears can be maintained while the initial moulding and healing is taking place. It also minimises swelling and discomfort and allows you to turn from side to side when asleep without painful pressure. Although the bandage is characterised by most patients as the worst thing about the whole operation(patients often want to scratch their itchy ears!), it is nonetheless very important for achieving optimum results. It is kept on for a period of one week then removed along with the stitches. After the bandage is removed, it is advised you wear a head band at night for approximately 6 weeks which serves the purpose of holding the ears back and therefore protecting them from any inadvertent injury which may occasionally occur whilst sleeping.


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