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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    I had a breast reduction, uplift and augmentation by Mark at Highgate Hospital in May 2023. I am a healthy 29-year-old woman, 5ft 10, UK size 12 and had 34DD breasts before the operation. My motivation behind seeking treatment was purely down to poor body image and low self-esteem regarding my breasts. After my first consultation, Mark and his fabulous PA, Christine, supported me right through my journey. I decided on 450cc and 500cc implants to give me a good size and volume for my frame. I was nervous they would look too big but Mark said to trust him and I am so pleased I did! I was incredibly nervous, having never needed an operation before. My experience at Highgate was fantastic and I would recommend people seeking surgery to stay overnight. I was very light headed and in pain (as expected) after the operation and it was a relief to have nurses looking after me. I experienced some reaction to the stitches on one side which caused delayed healing. I did require a second dose of antibiotics and Mark saw me very regularly. I was able to send picture updates to Christine (poor thing) who reassured me and booked me in for reviews every 2-3 weeks whilst experiencing delayed healing. This has healed now (10 weeks post-op) and the scars are almost completely gone. Overall, my operation has been life-changing and I recommend Mark and his team wholeheartedly.


    Breast Enhancements, Augmentations, and Reduction: What to Consider EXPLORE


    Shelly B EXPLORE