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    Changes in nipple and breast sensation (feeling)can occur following this cosmetic surgery. Some patients may loose sensation entirely, others report only a slight decrease, and some even report heightened sensation. In the majority of cases where sensation changes occurs, these are only temporary and soon recover. The recovery period can sometimes take up to 18 months to complete. In a small minority of patients, however, permanent loss of sensation may occur. Breast Feeding can proceed following a breast augmentation providing of course that you are able to produce enough milk in the first place. You must understand that regardless of whether you have implants or not, all women cannot breast feed satisfactorily. Pregnancy: Should you become pregnant following your operation then your existing breast tissue will be subjected to the normal hormonal influences of this period and therefore your breast will enlarge and the skin will stretch accordingly. Likewise, once the pregnancy and any associated breastfeeding ceases, your own breast tissue will then shrink down. It is impossible to predict to what degree these changes will occur; however, the breast implant volume will remain the same throughout these. Rippling or wrinkling of the skin over the implant may occur in women who have little or no breast tissue or ones that have recently lost weight. This has no medical implications in itself but can be cosmetically undesirable. This can occur in any location of the breast. In order to minimise this effect and if deemed appropriate at the time of the consultation, you may be advised that the best placement of the implant should be in the submuscular position as previously described. It is important to understand however that rippling or wrinkling can still occur even when this precaution is taken, and should this then occur it might be difficult or impossible to eradicate. Palpation of the implants may occur in thinner women following breast augmentation. In these situations the implants are more likely to be felt at the lower part of the breast near the fold. Again this has no medical implications, although women who do not bear this in mind may suddenly become worried about feeling a “lump” in their breast. In any instance of uncertainty it is always best to contact your plastic surgeon to have this examined. There is no chance of the implant exploding or bursting whilst travelling in an aeroplane, swimming, diving etc.


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