After the cosmetic surgery, as the nasal bones are usually broken and reset, you should expect to have “black eyes” and some swelling of the face. This usually settles by 2-3 weeks although as soon as the plaster cast is removed you may, in fact, apply light make up to mask this if you like. It is very important to realise that even once the plaster cast is removed from the bridge of the nose there will almost certainly be a significant degree of swelling still present. Therefore the shape of the nose at this stage is not the final one. Moreover, many times the nasal bridge looks quite narrow and slim immediately once the plaster is removed, but then subsequently swells up again due to normal healing process. This obvious swelling will however rapidly decrease in the ensuing 3-4 weeks. However, it is important to remember that even after this time, the shape of the nose is still not the final one. This is partly because of scar tissue which will form underneath the skin of the nose, as a result of the surgery, and which will have a subtle volume effect on the final shape giving rise to some fullness and width to the nose. These internal scars gradually change their shape (called scar maturation) and resolve in time. It is important that the tip of the nose in particular is regularly massaged in order to prevent the internal structures from becoming fixed by this scar development, in an undesirable position. You will be instructed in this. The process of scar maturation will take up to one year, sometimes longer, to complete and therefore only after this time is the final ultimate shape of your new nose apparent. As a simple guide in assessing the progress of your nose, you should gently squeeze the tip of a normal unoperated nose, and then your own to compare the firmness. The firmer it is, the more time is required for it to settle. Bear in mind of course, that it is possible for an unacceptable result to occur because of the sometimes-unknown effects of healing and settling. During the initial weeks, and sometimes months, the nose tip usually feels numb. This invariably recovers as the nerve supply to the skin regenerate