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    On the upper eyelids, the incision is carried out in the natural crease line that occurs approximately 1 cm above the eyelashes. The incisions may extend into the crow’s feet or laughter line area at the outer corners of your eyes. Cosmetic surgery here is designed to correct both the excess skin and the excess fat. After making the incisions, the excess skin and muscle is trimmed from the upper eyelids together with any fat, which is usually present on the area adjacent to the sides of the nose. The incisions are then closed with very fine sutures. It is important to remember that you cannot remove all skin in this region because some skin always need to remain behind after this surgery in order to allow good closure of the eyelids! On the lower eyelids, the technique very much depends on the patient’s individual circumstance and requirements. Therefore if the problem is mainly prominent lower bags without excessively loose skin, you may have what is termed as a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. In this procedure the incision is made inside your lower eyelid, leaving no visible scar. Alternatively, when loose skin needs to be trimmed, the incision starts underneath the eyelashes and extends 1 cm or so outwards into the crow’s feet area. The skin is then lifted upwards and outwards, gently tensioning the area and overlapping skin removed. Before suturing, any bleeding points are meticulously stopped.


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