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    Scars are not a complication but a normal event after any plastic surgery. In a breast uplift, the scars, depending on the degree of sagging and the technique used, can be lengthy and take many months or years to settle. However as they are around and below the nipples, scars shouldn’t be noticeable even in low cut clothing or a bathing suit. You should always expect the scars to be red, raised, lumpy and even itchy to begin with but with time they should fade and flatten. This is the natural evolution of the healing process. However it is important to keep in mind that this may take up to two years to complete. Daily massage of the scars during this time period is advised to expedite and facilitate this process. The office of Mr. Solomos also provides you with special silicone gel sheets which when applied to the scars improves their appearance. You must understand however that no responsible surgeon will ever be in a position to predict any scars ultimate appearance. Although as mentioned, scars do fade and improve in time it is unlikely however that these could ever be characterised as being mainly only “hairline” in nature. As a result of the unpredictability of scars, in cases where breast droop is minimal, it may be advisable sometimes to opt against surgery rather than opting for a minor lift with noticeable scars.


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