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    Implants come in a wide variety of sizes and it is possible for any woman to comfortably carry a variety of sizes on her chest. Most women have a rough idea as to how big they may want to be in terms of bra sizes. Unfortunately, woman have different perceptions with respect to cup sizes and so it is impossible to use the concept of “cup size” alone in determing your ideal size. The objective therefore, during the examination will be to determine what look you are trying to achieve with the cosmetic surgery. As you can imagine different size implants in different framed women gives different results. The secret is to choose a size that will give you a more balanced, proportionate look overall and more inline with your desires. At the time of your consultation Mr. Solomos will take specific measurements of your breast and chest in order to try and determine which size would be suitable for you. In addition to these measurements he will take into consideration your rough vision of your ideal breast size. A wide range of sizer, sample implants will be then be demonstrated to you and inserted into your bra(please bring along a sports bra of your desired size), in order to try and give you an idea of the ultimate size you will have after your operation. Seeing this visual image of yourself in the mirror, wearing a sample implant is the closest you can get, before surgery, of identifying what you will look like after- not cup size per say! As a final caveat, in the decision making for size, it is Mr. Solomos experience, that generally after taking all things into account, it is probably best to err on the side of going slightly bigger than slightly smaller, as most women, in retrospect, given a second opportunity would opt to have gone slightly bigger! It is important to understand however that ultimately, the limiting factor in choosing implant size is the space available beneath your breast. It’s also important to remember that as the volume of any breast implant increases, then so does its width. Therefore if you choose an implant that is excessively large, the edge of the implant may then extend around beyond the breast and potentially even under the arm pit. This would be undesirable for most people. In addition the potential for rippling (see below) and other long-term adverse problems increases. The vast majority of women however have a realistic outlook of what they wish to look like, and therefore it is not often that a surgeon cannot deliver the desired expectations to his patient.


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