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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    Many patients come to the clinic requesting upper eyelid surgery to improve the contour and appearance of hooded skin they see and perceive in the upper eyelid region. The majority of these patients certainly do benefit from upper eyelid surgery. However there are a proportion of patients who experience heavy upper eyelids as a result of drooping eyebrows. As a result of the close proximity of the eyebrows to the upper eyelids, any sagging eyebrow skin can in fact make your upper eyelid skin also look heavier or saggier. If this is the case then this will be pointed out to you at the consultation. In these patients either a browlift on its own will improve the appearance or a combination of upper eyelid and browlift surgery will be required.


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