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    You should be up and about in a day or two, but plan on taking it easy for the first week after surgery. Be especially gentle with your face and hair, since your skin may be both tender and numb, and may not respond normally at first. Avoid strenuous activity, including sex, and heavy housework, for at least two weeks. Mild stretching and walking are fine. Above all, get plenty of rest and allow your body to spend its energy on healing. Remember, at the beginning your face will look and feel rather strange. Your features will be distorted from the swelling, and your facial movements may be slightly stiff and you’ll probably be self-conscious about your scars and bruising. It’s not surprising therefore that most patients are disappointed and depressed in the first couple of weeks. However you must try to stay positive and understand that things WILL get better! The operation will be worth it!! From about two weeks after the surgery you can probably get out and about without scaring anybody, however you won’t fool anyone either about what you have had done. From the third and fourth weekthings get decidedly better, with most of the signs of surgery, i.e. bruising and swelling mostly gone. You can therefore start to get around without most people knowing that you’ve had some surgery. From this point onwards, you’ll look and feel much better. You must remember however that for all the swelling to entirely disappear and for you to look entirely 100% normal will take up to six or even nine months. For all intents and purposes however most patients are back to work from about the third week after surgery.Every week that goes by will be slightly better. If you need it, camouflage makeup can mask any residual bruising that remains. However depending on everyones individual sensitivities some people might feel more comfortable about returning to work after 4 or even five weeks. Remember we are all different and heal differently. Have some flexibility within your anticipated return to work schedule.


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