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    Highgate Private Hospital
    17-19 View Road, Highgate
    N6 4DJ, London

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    Although you can generally walk about and do light general duties from the next day, please avoid any extreme stretching or lifting during the first 7 days following this cosmetic surgery. Depending on your job many ladies go back to work at about this time, sometimes sooner. Obviously if this involves excessive stretching and lifting you are then advised to refrain for a further 7 days. You can usually commence light lower limb exercise after 2 weeks. Upper arm exercises and swimming can begin after four weeks. When exercising always try and wear a good sports bra. Driving is allowed after 5-7 days. Sexual activity, involving manual handling of the breasts can be commenced at around 4 weeks although at this stage only very gentle handling of the breasts is advised. More vigorous handling can be commenced only after 2 months!


    Are there any alternatives to surgery? EXPLORE


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