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    There are two methods of achieving a brow or forehead lift: the classic or “open” method, or the Endoscopic forehead lift, the best method for you will be discussed at the consultation. The open method is a more invasive cosmetic surgery, and Dr. Solomos has adopted the more minimally invasive Endoscopic (an instrument that has a probe on the end that transmits images from inside the body to a TV screen) browlift technique, which requires much smaller incisions for the majority of patients. You can achieve both a lift to the brow and a smoothing out effect of the skin of the forehead with the use of botulinum toxin (Botox), however you do need to have this repeated every three months, and in situations where the brow has dropped significantly, then Botox alone will not be enough to achieve a lifted look. A browlift is usually performed with a full general anaesthetic and takes about 45 minutes to perform, it can be done as a day case procedure or as an overnight stay. Bandages and drains are removed before discharge, and the hair will be carefully washed so the patient can return home with full postoperative care instructions. Following this cosmetic surgery, patients experience swelling and bruising of the forehead, eyes, and face to varying degrees, which can last up to 3 weeks. Patients also experience a feeling of numbness and tension in the forehead and scalp areas. A slight scar will form at the incision sites, this is red and slightly lumpy in the first few months following cosmetic surgery, yet as these aren’t readily seen as hidden in the hair. Patients experience a tight feeling around the forehead following surgery as a result of the bandages used,however the majority of patients experience a surprisingly small amount of discomfort following a browlift.


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