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    Women who plan to become pregnant in the near future should postpone the operation until after having children. If you are a smoker you will be asked to stop smoking in advance of the reconstructive surgery. A physical examination will determine if you are a suitable candidate for an abdominoplasty procedure,. Abdominoplasty won’t be performed for obesity. Individuals need to be in 10% of their ideal healthy weight for this surgery, those who are perhaps slightly more than within their 10% of ideal weight (i.e. 15%) yet the result will not be as effective and further secondary procedures, i.e. liposuction may be required. There are a number of variations in the technique of abdominoplasty, based on the quality of your skin, the presence of stretch marks, the laxity of muscles, and the amount and distribution of fat.


    What is Liposuction? EXPLORE


    How long before I get back to normal? EXPLORE